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Clean 9 SG Pack (Vanilla) 9天清腸 - 超級營養蛋白粉(香草味)

RM 0.00

CLEAN 9全力助你踏上減重旅程,讓你改善了生活調息習慣、淨化身體及塑造輕盈體態。

新加坡clean 9
1) 芦荟 3罐
芦荟汁帮组我们排毒,芦荟的营养素 "谷胱甘肽"能帮助减轻肝脏排毒运作, 也给于肝脏需要的营养,提高免疫系,改善我们消化系统。芦荟汁的纤维能有效的减低脂肪吸收哦!

2) Therm燃脂片
有效帮助加快代谢。在热量控制中, 加上运动; 燃脂片这时也帮助加速减肥效果! 让你更快的看到效果, 更快达到你最终想要的形状和减肥的目的。

3) Garcinia 藤黄果

4)优质营养粉, 帮助我们修护肌肉组织,补充蛋白质和氨基酸! 取代一餐就可以减少碳水化合物吸收。减少脂肪, 不容易反弹。

5) Fiber 纤维
每小包Forever水溶性纖維粉結合4 大獨特纖維種類,為您提供5 克纖維以促進健康,而且不含麩質,適合關注麩質過敏人士。把Forever水溶性纖維粉加入蘆薈汁或其他飲品,便迅速溶解,讓您隨時隨地簡單方便地攝取額外纖維份量。因此別忘記隨身帶備Forever水溶性纖維粉,讓身體健康運作。

若把消化系統拉直,它大約長達30 呎,但卻擠在1.5 呎的狹小空間內。沒有纖維,吃進體內的食物便無法被有效運逞。想像纖維是一個帶有黏性的巨型球體,不斷在大小腸內滾動,同時黏走過多的食物及毒豪,然後當作廢物排出體外。
充足的纖維攝取能維持正常的膽固醇及血壓水平, 促進心血管健康。 

Jumpstart your journey to a slimmer, healthier you with Forever’s CLEAN 9 program. This easy-to-follow nine-day nutritional reset program comes with all the tools you need to reset and get you started on your fitness journey. 

Jumpstart your journey to a slimmer, healthier you with Forever’s CLEAN 9 program. This easy-to-follow nine-day nutritional reset program comes with all the tools you need to reset and get you started on your fitness journey. Over the course of this nine-day program you’ll not only look better and feel better, but increase your nutrient absorption and increase natural energy.

Each Clean 9 pak includes:

Forever Aloe Vera Gel® - 3 one liter bottles
Promotes a healthy immune system, supports nutrient absorption, and helps maintain natural energy levels. 

Forever Fiber® - 9 sticks
Provides a proprietary blend of 5g of water-soluble fiber that can help promote feelings of fullness.

Forever Therm® - 18 tablets
Offers a powerful combination of botanical extracts and vitamins that can help support metabolism.

Forever Garcinia Plus® - 54 softgels
May help the body burn fat more efficiently and help suppress appetite by increasing serotonin levels.

Forever Lite Ultra® - 1 pouch vanilla
Shake mix is a rich source of vitamins and minerals with 17g of protein per serving.

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